BSA Troop 157 has been chartered in Herndon by various civic and religious organizations since 1934, making it one of the oldest still active troops in the northern Virginia area. Currently, we are chartered by Reston Lions Club. Together with our brother organization, Cub Scout Pack 157, boys from five to eighteen enjoy the lessons of scouting through an increasingly demanding program of adventure and challenge.

Troop 157 meetings are held on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Herndon United Methodist Church, 701 Bennett Street. The last Tuesday of the month is reserved for meetings of the Patrol Leader Committee (PLC) at 7:00PM and Troop Committee (TC) at 8:15 PM (these leadership meetings flip back and forth between being in person and being on Google meet, so if you’re interesting in attending one, please email Mr. Lewis at beforehand to find out the venue for that evening).
We are an active troop; for details, please see our calendar. Some of our regular activities include:
- Troop Meetings (weekly)
- Court of Honor (two to three times a year)
- Activity days and/or weekend campouts (monthly)
- Summer camp (one week annually)
- District Camporees (two per year)
- Civic and community service projects
- Bready Park Cleanup
- Christmas Tree Sale (annually, funds over 85% of our activities, including all membership fees)